Customer Stories

HomeServe is here to help.

See how our service made a difference for these homeowners.

Cindy HSCF 1
Exterior Electric & HomeServe Cares Foundation Exterior Electrical Wiring Repair for Tulsa Woman In Need

“I’ve been having a rough time lately, and I feel so lucky to have crossed paths with this company.”...

Helping women
Water Heater & HomeServe Cares Foundation HomeServe Teams Up With Partner to Restore Hot Water

“You’ve taken so much weight off my shoulders by being willing to help me when I needed it most. There is no way I could have come u...

Root Clogged Sewer Line Repair Ends On Positive Note
Exterior Sewer/Septic Line Root-Clogged Sewer Line Repair Ends On Positive Note

It was like an early Christmas gift, and HomeServe made it so easy for us. It felt like we didn’t have to do anything....

Gas Line Gas Line Protection Plan in TX Means $7K Savings

“They were out here for seven hours in 105-degree heat and did a perfect job, even put all the sod back on top once the filled the t...

WV Family Gets A Free Gas Service Line Repair
Gas Line & HomeServe Cares Foundation WV Family Gets A Free Gas Service Line Repair

HomeServe took care of everything. HomeServe is a lifesaver....

West Virginia
Water logged gas line repaied for lawton resident
Gas Line HomeServe Customer Discovers Water in Gas Line

“As a homeowner, getting covered under a HomeServe policy is among the best things you can do for yourself,”...

Cooling System AC Replacement Keeps Disabled Teacher Cool

“I have shared the story of this incredible gift from HomeServe with anybody that will listen. From the bottom of my heart, thank yo...

Gary C Fireplace
Gas Line The Nose Knows - Helping To Get Gas Leaks Repaired

“From the moment I called up HomeServe, all parties involved went above and beyond for us, said Gary. It was more than not having to...

unclog kitchen sink drain
Heating System & HomeServe Cares Foundation Free Heat Pump Fix Keeps IL Retiree Cool

“Thank you so much! I just want to cry I am so happy. Your company is a lifesaver!”...

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